5 events found.
Sledding and More
Dear IFP Students, Scholars, and Community MemberKirk Peterson invites you to a Sledding activity in Smithfield at Sunset Park, plus a gathering at his home afterwards.Date: Saturday, January 7th. Kirk’s address is 523 S. Cardon Ridge Drive, Smithfield. Time: 1:30-5:00 p.mPlease meet at the Aggie Ice Cream parking lot at 1:30 to carpool to Kirk’s home in…
Hardware Ranch Sleigh Ride and Elk Viewing
Dear International Students and Scholars, Please join us for a fantastic sleigh ride to see reindeer-like animals (Rocky Mountain Elk) at Hardware Ranch next Sunday, January 22! Meet 9 am for rideshare at Aggie Ice-Cream. Dress warmly, bring a blanket if you have one. RSVP to jackisgreene@yahoo.com or text to 435-764-4815 by January 19.